UPDATED COVID GUIDANCE FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: On Dec 29, CDC updated its guidance particularly around the definition of fully vaccinated and quarantine guidelines. Within a day or so, VT updated their guidance. We follow the VT Department of Health guidance in the RNESU schools. Click on the links below to learn what you now need to do if positive or a close contact: VDH close contact page Jan 2022: https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/symptoms-sickness/what-do-if-you-are-close-contact VDH Positive COVID page: https://www.healthvermont.gov/sites/default/files/documents/pdf/COVID-19_What-to-do-if-you-are-diagnosed-with-COVID-19_final.pdf
about 3 years ago, RNESU
As of today, the state's registration system has appointments available for parents/caregivers to register their children aged 12-15 for a booster vaccination appointment. Per the CDC earlier this month, individuals are now eligible for a booster five months after completing their initial Pfizer vaccine series.
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
The RNESU Superintendent Search Committee is looking for your input on the skills and dispositions you are hoping the new superintendent will possess. Please participate by attending a virtual input session: Zoom on Thursday, January 6 at 6:00 PM. Zoom link and details to participate can be found on the calendar at https://www.rnesu.org/events If you are unable to attend, but have input you would like to share, please use the Thought Exchange or submit your input through Le'ts Talk at https://www.rnesu.org/page/superintendent-search.
about 3 years ago, RNESU
Updated #RNESUVT COVID response guidance posted at rnesu.org and sent to all parents and staff on Jan. 1, 2022. Whishing each of you a healthy and joyous 2022!
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
Free Back to School Antigen Tests Available Dec 30 and 31 for all Vermont School Children Registration and more information is available at https://tinyurl.com/yz7txb2w
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
A holiday message from Secretary Dan French and Teacher of the Year Sue Rosato https://education.vermont.gov/sites/aoe/files/documents/edu-letter-rosato-french-holiday-message.pdf
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
#RNESUVT is seeking input for the superintendent search committee!. Please respond to this Thought Exchange and let the committee know your thoughts! https://tejoin.com/scroll/995750830
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
Join the conversation logo
REMINDERS : December & February Vacation Dates Confirmed! Here is the link to the full district calendar as released last year. https://tinyurl.com/vy56p2wk. ➤ Dec break begins on Thursday, December 23rd ➤ The correct February vacation is the week of February 21st Magnetic calendars distributed to staff at the start of the school year indicated Feb 14. That was an error. We apologize this was not caught earlier!
about 3 years ago, RNESU
School Board Meetings and Board Openings: Board meetings returned to in-person meetings with a zoom option for those who wish to attend virtually. Meeting information can be found on the district calendar. ➤ Current School Board meetings are largely focused on developing the budget for next school year. Attend or watch on Peg TV! ➤ RNESU Board meets this Wednesday, December 15th, 5 pm at OCA/ Leicester Central School and online ➤ BUU Board meets Dec 20, 6 pm at Barstow School and online Interested in serving on a school board? Go to the school board page on rnesu.org to learn what seats are open and to get a petition.
about 3 years ago, RNESU
FORMS NEEDED - Test to Stay! To access this program: ➤ We need to have no more than a class or two affected at one time (we are limited in capacity in how many we can test at once) ➤ We must have parent consent for the test ➤ We must have parental agreement to either stay with their child when tested or return to pick them up if their test is positive. In order to give parental consent for this program, please fill out this form. We cannot use the tests on your child without it and your child will need to quarantine as they do now. Please give consent on BOTH forms: FORM #1 (all students must have - same form for all schools) VT AOE COVID Response Testing Consent Form: https://www.cognitoforms.com/.../SY22COVID19TestingProgra... FORM #2 (all students must have for THEIR school) School Based Consent ➤ Barstow - https://www.simplereport.gov/register/WMN72 ➤ Lothrop - https://www.simplereport.gov/register/Z2M73 ➤ Neshobe - https://www.simplereport.gov/register/BJYUU ➤ OCA - https://www.simplereport.gov/register/AMYCD ➤ OV - https://www.simplereport.gov/register/KUZ8A
about 3 years ago, RNESU
Virtual Academy 2nd Semester Enrollment Deadline Dec. 22 Applications for Virtual Academy are now open for the second semester! If you are interested in having your student(s) enrolled from January-June, please visit the RNESU website to access the mandatory recordings and application. Please note that applications are due by December 22nd. This is a pilot program for the 2021-2022 school year only.
about 3 years ago, RNESU
~ From Lothrop Principal Report cards have been emailed out to all families this afternoon. Please contact the front office if you did not receive your child’s report or you wish to have a hard copy.
about 3 years ago, Debbie Alexander
Vaccination Clinic Reminder - SPOTS AVAILABLE AT NESHOBE CLINIC DEC 14 Pfizer vaccine for students 5-11 @ Neshobe Elementary School. 1st DOSE: Tuesday (12/14) Neshobe School (with 2nd dose scheduled for Jan. 4) Interested? Register below or by calling VT Dept of Health @ 855-722-7878. Spots are limited. https://vermont.force.com/events/s/selfregistration
about 3 years ago, RNESU
School Board Meetings and Board Openings! In August, Board meetings returned to in-person meetings with a zoom option for those who wish to attend virtually. Meeting information can be found on the district calendar or on the district website. ➤ OVUU Board meets Dec 1, 6 pm at OVUHS, in person and online ➤ RNESU Board meets Dec. 15, 5 pm at OCA/ Leicester Central School and online ➤ BUU Board meets Dec 20, 6 pm at Barstow School and online
about 3 years ago, RNESU
ARP/ESSER Plan - We Want to Hear From You! RNESU has posted the draft ARP ESSER plans for COVID recovery funds on our website, and are actively seeking family and community input. Please visit the page below👇 for more information or to provide feedback. https://www.rnesu.org/page/covid-planning-recovery?fbclid=IwAR0oRJWiKbkS79afUCO1Cd5R3JODyCR8P0i4hT2MS_IEyOL1xxNFycyce8o
about 3 years ago, RNESU
FUEL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE TO VERMONTERS - APPLY TODAY! If your household would benefit from fuel assistance, please check out the resource page below 👇 Fuel & Energy Assistance includes: ➤ Information about seasonal fuel assistance & weatherization ➤ Crisis fuel assistance ➤ Water and electricity assistance ➤ Where/how to apply for each of the above Vermonters who apply and are approved for seasonal fuel assistance before December 1, 2021 will receive the full seasonal benefit. Individuals can apply for fuel assistance for the 2021-2022 winter season through February 2022; however, applications received and approved after Dec. 1 will get a percentage of the full benefit: Dec = 80%, Jan = 60%, Feb = 40%. Because fuel costs are on the rise and are likely to only increase as we get deeper into winter, we encourage people to look into seasonal fuel eligibility soon. https://vermontfoodhelp.com/fuel-energy-assistance
about 3 years ago, RNESU
TEST TO STAY - CONSENT REQUESTED: We are hoping to start the Test to Stay program right after vacation! This means that if a class or a student is identified as a close contact and must be quarantined, they may instead take a rapid antigen test every day for seven days with parental consent and remain in school! This will help us to reduce the number of times a student must learn remotely. In order to access this program, we need to have no more than a class or two affected at one time (we are limited in capacity in how many we can test at once) AND must have parent consent for the test AND have parental agreement to either stay with their child when tested or return to pick them up if their test is positive. In order to give parental consent for this program, please fill out this form. We cannot use the tests on your child without it and your child will need to quarantine as they do now. VT AOE COVID Response Testing Consent Form 👇https://www.cognitoforms.com/VermontAgencyOfEducation/SY22COVID19TestingProgramConsentForm
about 3 years ago, RNESU
Join Us Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 30th at 5 PM for a virtual Q&A hosted by Curriculum Director, Kristin Hubert, to review RNESU's ARP ESSER plan related to the use of COVID federal emergency aid funds. This meeting will be recorded and posted on the webpage at a later date - all are welcome to attend! Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81149451429?pwd=NlVWcVRQL0dKWVJSek9QYWJQUUQyUT09
about 3 years ago, RNESU
The Rutland Herald recognizes Jeanne Collins and her 41 years of service on education. We wish her well in retirement! Read the full story here: https://www.rutlandherald.com/news/collins-to-retire-in-june/article_1353a89b-3f25-55cf-8cd9-ad81b6adb4cb.html
about 3 years ago, RNESU