OVUUSD SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS WANTED! The Otter Valley UUSD School Board has three vacancies that need to be filled. If you are interested in serving on the school board, send a letter by April 2 to indicate your interest to: Melinda Piper, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, RNESU, 49 Court Drive, Brandon, VT 05733 The following vacancies need to be filled: 1. Leicester (must be a Leicester resident) 2. Pittsford (must be a Pittsford resident) At Large (can be a resident in any Otter Valley Unified Union town: Brandon, Pittsford, Goshen, Leicester, Whiting or Sudbury). Appointees may serve for one year and may run for their seat next March in the annual election. The board meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month except for July.
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! OVUU BUDGET RE-VOTE APRIL 26th: The Otter Valley Unified Union Board budget re-vote will be held on Tuesday, April 26. Please help spread this word near and far! The board will share information about the budget in the coming weeks and will hold an informational meeting virtually on April 25. To comment on the defeated vote, please use the link below to access our Let’s Talk online forum OR attend the board meeting next Wednesday, April 6th - 6pm at OVUHS for public comment. https://www.k12insight.com/Lets-Talk/embed.aspx?L=PF9Y79G3K2LT
almost 3 years ago, Alyson Popa
OVUU SEEKS SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Interested in becoming more involved in the school system? Consider becoming a school board member. The Otter Valley Unified Union School Board is looking for interested parties to be appointed to the following open seats. Leicester – 1 year remaining of a 3 year term Pittsford – 3 year term At-Large – 1 year remaining of a 3 year term (candidates can be from any of the OVUUSD towns: Brandon; Goshen; Leicester; Pittsford Sudbury; and Whiting) All appointed school board members would be serving through to the next election in March 2023, at which time they would be required to run and be elected to complete the terms. Please use Let’s Talk to submit Letters of Interest to the Board.
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
RNESU Announces New Superintendent The RNESU Board announces the appointment of a new superintendent to replace retiring Supt. Jeanné Collins in July. Dr. Kristin Hubert has accepted the position. Read the full article here: https://www.rnesu.org/article/681786
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
RNESU New Superintendent - Dr. Kristin Hubert
The Superintendent Search Committee has reviewed additional applications and has chosen one to interivew. Dr. Kristin Hubert, RNESU Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, will be interviewed by the search committee on March 8 followed by a community interview that evening. All are invited to join the virtual community forum to interview Dr. Hubert on Tuesday March 8 at 6:30 pm. The link will be on the RNESU.org website on Tuesday.
almost 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
Update on mask mandates from the Agency of Education Feb 28: On Feb. 25, 2022, the CDC updated their COVID-19 guidance on wearing masks indoors as well as on school buses. Vermont is currently evaluating that guidance. Schools should continue to follow the recommendations from the Agency of Education and Vermont Department of Health to guide their decision making. We will have an announcement later this week on next steps in our public health recommendations for schools.
almost 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
~From Lothrop Principal Antigen Home Test Pick-up will be at the Town Hall Gym Enter through Side Door next to the Blue House-come upstairs Times for Pick-up: TODAY-2/19-10:00 AM-12:00 PM Tuesday-2/22-5:00 PM-7:00 PM Thursday-2/14-5:30 PM-6:30 PM
almost 3 years ago, Debbie Alexander
SCHOOL CLOSED TODAY - Friday, Feb. 18, 2022 Due to the weather, flash flooding, and icy road conditions today, all RNESU schools will be closed Friday, February 18th, 2022. Stay safe and warm.
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
School Closed Sign
GENTLE REMINDER! 👉Early Release Day TOMORROW Friday, February 11th!
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! 👉Early Release Day this Friday, February 11th 👉February Break is the week of February 21st through 25th 👉Election Day March 1, 2022. Absentee ballots available at the town clerk offices. The 2022-2023 calendar has been posted on the RNESU web page at The first day of school is anticipated to be August 31, 2022. Find it here 👉https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VeImuY-JbamPlj47DzicUU5dCDvZdxM8/view
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
TEST AT SCHOOL DETAILS: Please note - when our schools do not have 2 pak or 5 pak antigen tests to send home, our nurses will test at school until our Test to Stay supplies are used up. Upon a close contact student's arrival at school, they should report to the health office at Otter Valley and to their classroom at the Elementary schools. 👉Students with symptoms need to stay home. 👉Asymptomatic presumptive contact students will be tested if consent is given and can remain in school with a negative test. Parents will be called to pick up their child if the child has a positive test or has symptoms .👉Parents need to alert the nurse that their child will be arriving for the antigen test. Parents MUST register their children to allow antigen testing at school at the two links provided previously if they haven't already done so. Consent is optional but must be on file if you want your child to be given an antigen test at school. VT AOE COVID Response Testing Consent Form: https://www.cognitoforms.com/VermontAgencyOfEducation/SY22COVID19TestingProgramConsentForm In addition to the consent form, please click on the link below and complete the form for your school(s). If you have more than one child, you will need to fill out the links for each. You do not need to provide the student id. 👉Barstow - https://www.simplereport.gov/register/WMN72 👉Lothrop - https://www.simplereport.gov/register/Z2M73 👉Neshobe - https://www.simplereport.gov/register/BJYUU 👉OCA - https://www.simplereport.gov/register/AMYCD 👉OV - https://www.simplereport.gov/register/KUZ8A
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
VEGGIE VAN GO TOMORROW FEBRUARY 7 at OVUHS PARKING LOT 10 AM - 11 AM: Veggie Van Go is a free fruit and vegetable distribution to all RNESU families and staff. They will be distributing tomorrow, Feb. 7, from 10 AM -11 AM at the OVUHS parking lot. This event is sponsored by the Vermont Foodbank and is open to all students, families, and staff affiliated with all Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union Schools: Barstow Memorial, Lothrop Elementary, Neshobe Elementary, Otter Creek Academy at Leicester, Sudbury and Whiting., & Otter Valley Middle and High School. There are no eligibility requirements and no reservations needed.
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
UPDATED COVID GUIDANCE FOR SCHOOLS: Here are the new AOE guidelines as of Jan. 2022: 👉Fully Vaccinated Students should receive 2 tests and use them on the 4th and 5th day after learning of the presumptive exposure. Fully vaccinated for students means completion of the two shot Pfizer series. 👉Not Fully Vaccinated Students should receive 5 tests and use them before coming to school for the next 5 consecutive days after their presumptive exposure. 👉Individuals that have continuous household exposure should test daily while their household contact is in isolation and for 5 consecutive days after the household contact ends isolation. 👉Positive COVID Test Students that have had COVID in the last 90 days do not have to test or quarantine. 👉Students with any symptoms must quarantine. Students may return to school when they have 2 negative antigen tests, at least 24 hours apart, improved symptoms and no fever for 24 hours.
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
Good evening Lothrop Community! I hope that you are all plowed out and warm in your homes by now. A huge shout out to the RNESU facility teams and our local contractors for their work today at school and around town. Not easy work, but necessary to keep things running and everyone safe. Another COVID-quiet week with just 4 cases. While we would like the numbers to be zero, we are trending in the right direction. We are seeing some great things in classrooms, as we dig into the best part of the learning year. Kiddos are becoming comfortable with their work and they have certainly settled into routines expectations. The sliding hill will be busy on Monday. Please continue to send outdoor gear. Lothrop families are excellent about making that happen. I hope that you find some time to be outside over the weekend. We look forward to seeing out Lothrop Learners on Monday :) Best, Deb
almost 3 years ago, Debbie Alexander
VACCINE CLINICS SCHEDULED FOR STUDENTS AND ADULTS: Visit our FaceBook Events Page to see dates and sign up! 👉 https://www.facebook.com/rutlandnortheastSU
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
Feb. 4 2022 Dear Parents/Guardians We are slowly moving forward as Omicron seems to be moving through. Cases continue to be down, though we see bumps now and then. The state perspective and guidance is not to assume the virus is widespread and rather than identify close contacts, move to presumptive contacts of everyone in a classroom space and notify the parents of that classroom or workspace, and then to send tests home. Last week, I detailed what that looks like. Please reach out, especially to your school nurse, if you have any questions. This email covers (updated information on topics from last week) Veggie Van Go Feb. 7 Superintendent Search Update Vaccination Clinics School Budget Informational Meeting and Voting Information 2022-2023 School Calendar Posted Calendar Notes School Board Meetings VEGGIE VAN GO FEB DATE WILL BE FEB. 7 Veggie Van Go is a free fruit and vegetable distribution to all RNESU families and staff. February’s date will change to Feb. 7, from 10-11 am at the OVUHS parking lot. This event is sponsored by the Vermont Foodbank and is open to all students, families, and staff affiliated with all Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union Schools: Barstow Memorial, Lothrop Elementary, Neshobe Elementary, Otter Creek Academy at Leicester, Sudbury and Whiting., & Otter Valley Middle and High School. There are no eligibility requirements and no reservations needed. SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH UPDATE As I write this, the RNESU school board and search committee had narrowed the candidate pool to three final candidates. As one withdrew, having accepted a position elsewhere, the other two spent Thursday Feb. 3 meeting virtually with schools, the search committee and the community. Hopefully, information on a new superintendent will be released early next week or, if not, what steps will be taken next. Stay tuned! RNESU has a web page to keep the community informed about the search process. You can follow it here. https://www.rnesu.org/page/superintendent-search VACCINE CLINICS SCHEDULED FOR STUDENTS AND ADULTS Lothrop School will have a Vaccination Clinic Feb 16 from 1-4:15 pm in the gymnasium. Schedule an appointment at https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/vaccine Or call 855-722-7878 Walkins are welcome. Children under 18 need a completed consent form from a parent/guardian and will not receive a vaccine or booster without that consent. Please note children 12-18 are now eligible for a booster vaccine. SCHOOL BUDGET INFORMATIONAL MEETING AND VOTING INFORMATION Barstow and OV School boards have all finalized budgets for voter approval for the coming school year. Read about the budget proposals at the links below and watch for our annual reports to land in your mailboxes and to be posted on our web pages. To learn more and to ask questions, both boards will hold annual district meetings in February. Barstow’s will be Feb. 22 virtually at 6:30 pm Presentation: BUUSD FY23 Budget Otter Valley’s will be Feb. 23 in person at OVUHS at 6:30 pm. FY23 OVUU Budget Presentation Voting for all RNESU towns will be in person for school budgets on March 1 at town voting sites. Other voting options include requesting a mail in ballot from your town clerk or going into your town hall for early voting. 2022-2023 SCHOOL CALENDAR POSTED ON THE WEB The RNESU District Calendar 2022-2023 has been posted on the RNESU web page at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VeImuY-JbamPlj47DzicUU5dCDvZdxM8/view. The first day of school is anticipated to be August 31, 2022. Important Reminders: CALENDAR NOTES February Early Release Day Feb. 11 February break is the week of Feb. 21-25 Election Day March 1, 2022. Absentee ballots available at the town clerk offices. SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS School Board meetings are open to the public. Meeting information can be found on the district calendar or on the district website, www.rnesu.org, Upcoming meetings: Barstow District Budget Informational Meeting Feb. 22, 6:30 pm virtual meeting RNESU meets Feb 23, 5:00 pm at OVUHS Otter Valley Annual District Meeting Feb. 23, 6:30 pm in person at OVUHS Jeanné Collins, Superintendent of RNESU www.rnesu.org School Safety Hotline # (844) 723-3488 or www.SAFE4VT.org or text to 274637, type in keyword SAFE4VT and then your tip
almost 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
All Rutland Northeast Schools will be closed tomorrow, Feb. 4, 2022! Enjoy a snow day!
almost 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
~From Lothrop Principal: LEAP after school program has been cancelled. Please call the office and let us know the plan for your child after school. Safe Travels!
almost 3 years ago, Debbie Alexander
SCHOOL BUDGET INFORMATION AND ANNUAL REPORTS: Barstow and OV School boards have all finalized budgets for voter approval for the coming school year. Read about the budget proposals at the links below and watch for our annual reports to land in your mailboxes and to be posted on our web pages. To learn more and to ask questions, both boards will hold annual meetings in February. Barstow’s will be Feb. 22 virtually at 6:30 pm and Otter Valley’s will be Feb. 23 in person at OVUHS at 6:30 pm. 👉 FY23 OVUU Budget Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OcsK4LoHVKvR4zp90U1K0s8Z9GxGgQ2x53KEumumJ34/edit#slide=id.p 👉 Presentation: BUUSD FY23 Budget: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S36Us_yHyBNVelb400MS0RMAcVdXmvfZ/view
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH NARROWS TO TWO CANDIDATES! The Superintendent Search Committee has narrowed down the candidate field to two candidates! They will be visiting ALL schools virtually TODAY February 3, 2022. Watch for information on candidate forums! RNESU has a web page to keep the community informed about the search process. You can follow progress here 👉https://www.rnesu.org/page/superintendent-search
almost 3 years ago, RNESU