Mrs. Blanchard's Class

Good afternoon Lothrop Community!

The Lothrop PTO and Pittsford Rec are finishing up preparations for Movie Night, tomorrow, at 6:00 PM.   Details are below in this week's edition of Panther Press.

Speaking of Panther Press, Mrs. Tate and I attempt to get Panther Press out on Thursdays, but it does not often make it out until the weekend. That said, I wonder if there is a preference for when it would be most helpful for families to receive Panther Press. Please take this short survey 1 question survey to inform our future planning. Thank you!

Many Kindness Tickets were handed out this month and we are thrilled with the effort put forth by our learners. While we promote this work at school, we know that your work at home contributes a great deal to your child's success at school. Thank you for this!

This may be our last "warm" fall weekend. 🍂 Time to button things up for the winter. I hope that you all have a fabulous weekend!
